"It takes a lot of blue to stay green" Anonymous
With the advent of industrialization, there has been a rapid decline in the quality of air we breathe in. Smog, acid rain, ozone depletion, global warming and increased respiratory disorders in humans are the direct impacts, which are observed at local, regional and global levels.
Read moreThe world is turning into a big garbage dump and managing it aptly is critical for building sustainable and liveable cities. Though handling of huge tide of waste remains a biggest challenge in the contemporary world...
Read moreAt a time when access to safe water is surmised, many people still do not have access to this bare necessity. Owing to population outburst, industrialization and climate change, availability of water has reduced drastically...
Read moreSince past, the natural water bodies like lakes and ponds were called the lifelines of a community as they were an important source for drinking water, absorbing flood water and act as groundwater recharge conduit...
Read moreNoise is an underrated environmental problem due to its invisible impacts and associated health issues caused due to prolonged exposure or excessive noise. Noise is emanated from vehicular movement, construction activities...
Read moreAny region has limited resources and its load carrying capacity depends on its ability to support existing population without tripping over the environmental limits. A defined strategy is required for a region to utilize existing resources ...
Read moreEnvironmental assessment is a quantitative tool, which determines the performance of an industry by unveiling how well the environment management system, installed equipment/treatment units are performing...
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